Originally Posted by Trumanator
You know the "Senate Minority Report" now consists of over 650 international scientists who dipute GW. Many of them are current or former IPCC scientists who have turned against it.
Wow, ExxonMobil's doing it again?
Originally Posted by Trumanator
The most dangerous part of the GW activist movement is the growing lawlessness of it.
The most dangerous part of hiding the head under the sand is that we'll continue harming the planet instead
And about vandals... there are idiots everywhere they can damage something, I think (with full respect) you are making an
argumentum ad personam
And that's not "a religion". Like is not "a religion" believing in evolution or gravity or whatever. That's just a scientific theory which is gathering datas that -for now- mostly point in the direction that us, burning lots of fossil fuels, are significantly helping something that surely has even other causes, and we need to reduce pollution (which would even have other significant positive effects on environment, so many other wins) and move to greener energy sources.