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Old December 12th, 2008, 12:23 PM

licker licker is offline
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Default Re: Someone cast Wolven Winter on New Orleans!

Good job missing the point guys.

I guess you think it would be better if the planet were getting colder right?

Pandas and Polar bears? Who cares, either they adapt or they die, that's the way of the world, that's the way it's always been. Or do you cry for the woolly mammoth? Or the other mega fauna?

It's not possible to pick a temperature and keep the system there right? Thus the temperature is always going to be moving somewhere, and up is generally accepted to be better than down. At least in the context of crop yield and animal population health.

Sure you can pull some specific examples which fare worse, but so what? That's not what I said, and I made it abundantly clear that hot isn't better for EVERYTHING, it's just better for almost everything.

Still all of that is beside the point that less pollution is better than more pollution, only I don't think we needed to have people with ulterior agendas try to scare everyone into believing that the end times are upon us.

So if you want to accept Al Gores lies for reasons for initiating sometimes radical proposals to end CO2 emission I will have to assume that you also accepted Bushes lies for reasons to invade Iraq.
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