Hi, something happened that has me puzzled. My pretender was moving to a coastal province when she was bounced by the global spell Ghost Ship Armada. The pd. routed making her flee. When I look for her she's still fine in the game statistics, not shown as dead in the hall of fame, still fine in the pretenders screen. But the problem is she's not on the map! I checked the map and used F1 to comb the game for her but she's not there. I watched the battle several times and she was not hit a single time. I would understand if she was killed by retreating from a assassination attempt, but the option to call god is unavailable to my priests. Is she banished or something weird that I don't know of?
The person that solves this riddle will gain my recipe for venison chili. Not for the faint of heart though, most people should skip using a habanero pepper to season this dish.