Re: Someone cast Wolven Winter on New Orleans!
Mostly change is inevitable.
Thinking that we can somehow regulate the climate to our liking is asinine at this point in our technological adventures. It's as though everyone forgets about the natural disasters which certainly happened long before humans were belching out CO2 or any other gas.
Our mere presence cannot but change the environment, and while it's a nice thought to want to minimize the impact, thinking in terms of Gaia is somewhat pointless when trying to devise methods for approaching the issue.
I strongly believe that we are better of expanding our use of renewable energies, recycling, reducing consumption, ... all of it. But I am not convinced that we are in a death spiral, or even anywhere close to it.
I'm not alone here, and if you want to poo poo the 700 scientists who break with the political orthodoxy of the IPCC so be it. Just realize that the models are just that, models, and are failing to live up to their hype from the early part of this decade.