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Old December 13th, 2008, 08:04 AM

Otherling Otherling is offline
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Default Re: Archaean - New LA Game - Upload pretenders

Any of the former players still paying attention to this one?

Okay, having spoken with Rytek, we've agreed to call this thing. He was unfortunately left without an internet connection for several weeks, which leaves him in a position in the game that he can't really come back from. And since everyone else has long since dropped out, I think that leaves me the winner by attrition.

So how exactly do we go about wrapping this up? At the moment it continues to run on Llamaserver. Do we need the admin to shut it down, or what? For that matter, who is the admin at this point? I've forgotten.

Finally, since this was my first MP game, I'd appreciate any commentary on things, assuming anyone actually remembers any specific details.
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