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Old December 13th, 2008, 05:19 PM
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HoneyBadger HoneyBadger is offline
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Default Re: How many Niefel Jarls is too many...

Too many Niefel Jarls = Damn, I won already?

Actually, if you have more than one Niefel Jarl per province-assuming you meant that you have 1 Niefel Jarl guarding each province-then it probably means you're not using them to their full potential.

Niefelheim's greatest weakness is that it must always be on the offensive. They don't defend well at all, on a cost-basis, so just gather up those Niefel Jarls and start slamming them into your enemy, starting with whoever's the greatest danger to you. There's a lot of tricks to making the most of them, but it sounds like your game may be stalling, anyway, so raw action might be the best thing you can do at this point, if only for the learning experience.
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