Originally Posted by Executor
Now seeing what type of players are in this game, I very well may decide to kill the game by casting Armagedon several times, or utherdark and spells alike.
What would that be considered?
That's entirely your perogative. Although in all honesty how many players of this game have screwed you over? There are 8 players left not including yourself, you're at war with 4 of them, and 2-3 may have back stabbed you. So you're hurting atleast 5 other players for no reason.
To be honest at first I did feel bad for you, however I now recall that you're in Timewarp, a game where back stabbing is allowed (and is spelled out as such in the opening thread). You say you're all about keeping your pacts, etc. and yet you signed up for a game that's the complete opposite.

With your dominant position in Timewarp, I'll give the following advice, trust no one, because other players will probably turn on you soon enough.
Imo it seems to me that you're more upset over being dealt a losing hand, within 1-2 turns, after months of manoevering to your current position...sure it sucks, but there can only be one.
It's funny that I feel all your anger is directed at me and yet I've done nothing to you, thems the breaks of being the admin I guess.