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Old December 16th, 2008, 02:46 AM

MadFrancis MadFrancis is offline
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Default Re: Beer game! EA - Signup Closed!

Originally Posted by Executor View Post
You had plenty time to explain you self when I stated that you broken your NAP, but you chose not to.
I did not "choose" to be unresponsive, I simply never read (or posted in, for that matter) the "Beer" thread until today. I have stated in another thread that as a full-time student and employee I don't have time to read threads. I check everyday for emails and PMs, that's it usually. Unfortunately I cannot devout my life and all my time to this game, otherwise I assure you I would have responded to these uncalled for libelous attacks. The only reason I have responded so much today is because I am on winter break, which started this week. So I did not "hear" of any of these accusations until today, at which point I responded.

Originally Posted by Executor View Post
"Rather than assuming everyone is a liar and an honor-less dog" Not everyone, just those who really are honorless and will not state that there is even a remote chance that they could be wrong. I did get a responce from Sauromatia, can't say he's right, but I did get an answer at least.
And mistakes make people honorless? That's pretty ridiculous.

Originally Posted by Executor View Post
And if you do not trust in game system that much why do you use it yourself?

EDIT: by the way your action at that point clearly showed that you broke the NAP on purpose, it turned not to be so, but if someone did the same thing against you what would you think?
I generally don't, after I got confused from too many messages in game I started replying to people over the forums because I was having trouble keeping track of what agreements the previous player had made with his neighbors and where I stood coming as a sub. Like I said, I never heard anything from you out of game so your messages were forgotten, a mistake, but an honerst one. Anyone who messaged me over the forums was not forgotten and has been treated fairly and honestly.

If someone did that to me I would do exactly as I suggested anyone do. Give people a chance to actually behave well instead of just assuming they are not. Maybe I am an idealist, but at least I don't make an *** of myself by whining and moaning and calling people names puiblicly without being certain that I am justified to do so.

I apologized for the mistake, proven that it was honest and understandable and offered to make ammends, and yet I still haven't heard you apologize for your public abuse. At this point you have proven yourself unreasonable and I wont be dealing with you any longer since it will obviously be a waste of time.

One last piece of advice before I am done though. This is JUST a game in the end. Try and keep that in mind the next time you feel like abusing real people over it.

Last edited by MadFrancis; December 16th, 2008 at 03:00 AM..
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