Re: Beer game! EA - Signup Closed!
"And mistakes make people honorless? That's pretty ridiculous."
Mistakes don't make people honorless
But, What you are constantly failing to realise is that your attack didn't seem like a mistake at that moment. You said you'd honer the NAP and then you attacked, that doesn't seem like a mistake to me.
"but at least I don't make an *** of myself by whining and moaning and calling people names puiblicly without being certain that I am justified to do so."
First of all I'm not either moaning or calling anyone names, if I was believe me you'd know, I had already let the matter with you go away as it happened over half a month ago (there was only one single post calling you an oathbreaker and a bounty on your capital, which I consider is by no means offensive to ANYONE).
My post wasn't directed to you but to WingedDog who did break the NAP on purpose as he explained. NOTHING POSTED RECENTLY was directed to you. You were the one that started this row and getting at me as if I was Hitler or something so I really don't know what your problem is?
I explained myslef and Slobby seemed to understand what I was saying about being jumped on and backstabbed, but than you jumped in with statements that I'm spinning something and that I'm the real oathbreaker and that "Those who know the truth will merely chuckle as the seeds one sows come back to haunt the sower" what ever the hell that means??? And that I'm raving and crying over the NAP that you said on several occasion we never HAD, which I proven you incorrect.
So maybe you should reconsider what you've been directing at me and calm down youself a little.
"and yet I still haven't heard you apologize for your public abuse. At this point you have proven yourself unreasonable and I wont be dealing with you any longer since it will obviously be a waste of time."
Public abuse? Towards who?? Slobby, Karnoza, WingedDog???
Maybe I do come out a little unreasonable but I'm certainly not the only one.
This was never supposed to became personal, I stated that you're (plural as in more than 1 player) using low tactics and you made it look personal.
If I offended someone, which I'm certain I dind't, I apologize to them but not to you as maybe I'm wrong but the is no chance that you are correct.
Last edited by Executor; December 16th, 2008 at 09:21 AM..