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Old December 17th, 2008, 02:35 AM

Otherling Otherling is offline
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Default Re: LA Atlantis - frozen death from all directions

Baalz, I'd like to thank you for this guide. I used it, and to great effect, in my first MP game, which has just wrapped up. I decided to go all-out on the bless, with a E9S9N4 imprisoned monolith. The assartuts proved every bit as effective as advertised, and indeed were my primary troops for most of the game. Tore through almost everything. I can't speak too much to how effective the new underwater recruitables are, as the patch showed up well into the game, and I didn't get as much of a chance to use them.

I think the earth bless is definitely a must. I'd like your opinion, though: in a game without R'lyeh, what do you think of dropping the astral bless and going with a water bless instead? I was thinking an imprisoned Dagon with an E9W9 bless, and perhaps even a minor nature or fire bless. That would make for some nasty assartuts, and still leave you with a pretty strong combatant when it eventually woke up. Any thoughts?
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