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Old December 17th, 2008, 05:18 AM
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Default Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out

Mictlan never declared war on R'lyeh. We have not declared war on Shinuyama either.

We notified R'lyeh that Mictlan was regretfully canceling our NAP with them, because we did not want to see R'lyeh have exclusive ownership of the seas. If R'lyeh and Oceania fought to a stalemate, with no net loss of territory for either nation, that would be completely acceptable to Mictlan. And in that case I would not deign to become involved. Here is the complete text of my message to R'lyeh:

Greetings R'lyeh,

While there is balance on land between Mictlan and Ermor at least, I fear that the waters will soon be ruled by one -- and that one is not Oceania.

In anticipation of your victory in the seas, I regret to inform you that I am giving the nation of R'lyeh notice that our NAP is being cancelled.

We have received turn 42, and you have yet to move. Were it to become necessary, according to our agreement, either party could initiate unfriendly action by giving orders upon receipt of turn 45.

Mictlan hopes you have a long and enjoyable battle with Oceania, because we'd prefer not to become involved at all actually.

-- Mictlan
Then Shinuyama launched a surprise attack on Oceania on land. Mictlan then cancelled our NAP with Shinuyama, to free us from our contractual obligations should Shinuyama decline our request to cease their invasion of Oceania.

If Oceania had been left on its own to battle the combined might of R'lyeh and Shinuyama, then it surely would have fallen.

And that is all that Mictlan seeks to preserve, is balance in the oceans, where no nation has exclusive rule beneath the waves. Just as there is balance now above the waves, with Shinuyama just slightly less balanced than the rest of the surviving land nations. Apologies to those three nations who aren't quite dead yet, but you'll be getting on the cart sooner or later.

If R'lyeh, Shinuyama, and Oceania can all agree to peace, then Mictlan will not declare war on either R'lyeh or Shinuyama, and of course we will be willing to negotiate new pacts with those nations if they desire.
Whether he submitted the post, or whether he did not, made no difference. The Thought Police would get him just the same. He had committed— would still have committed, even if he had never set pen to paper— the essential crime that contained all others in itself. Thoughtcrime, they called it. Thoughtcrime was not a thing that could be concealed forever.

Last edited by vfb; December 17th, 2008 at 05:23 AM..
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