I see it getting views. Dont be put off by some of the people in these forums. In my threads ANYONE can have an opinion worth hearing. The crazier the better. Do these settings appeal to you or not? Now is a good time to pre-pay for this service with some commentary.
Such as..
http://www.dom3minions.com/RandomMaps/x/ directory should now reflect more of what I am headed toward. But the entire generation process could be made more efficient (less load on my server, less files on my server, faster, etc) if instead of converting the rgb file to a full sized jpg for viewing AND creating a 1/2 sized image for tiling, if instead I just made the 1/2 sized one and used it both times. Do you feel that the tile image loses too viewability to make this worthwhile toward deciding if you want to download it? Would you prefer scrolling around the full sized image in the regular view you get when you click on the menu'd image?