Re: Asia Twist - Pbem (Started)
the peacible vannish folk condemn the unwarranted agression by the pythian eunuchs against our fellow skin-wearing neighbours to the west. Without provocation, and after we had politely left the way open, having no suspicion that the cold-eyed communards would so crassly take advantage of the situation, the senilarchy of pyth has attempted the brute extermination of the forest dwelling jaguar people.
We wish to assure all, however, that previous pyth insults to our lord and liege, the most furious one, had no part in what, to us, is a purely altruistic defense of our skin-wearer brethren.
We, of course, remain open to a diplomatic solution to this crisis; as long as certain guarantees of mictish sovereignty are maintained.
Last edited by archaeolept; December 17th, 2008 at 07:54 PM..