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Old December 19th, 2008, 01:13 PM
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Default Re: BonsaiKitten - Game for people who feel constricted - rockin out

Right, Oceania is back online.

Oceania did indeed initiate war with R'lyeh. About 40 turns too late.

We shall continue to fight the good fight against the Juggernaut from the Stars. But be advised that once the 3rd Mind Hunt Artillery Battery finishes off all of our commanders, those guns will need to be trained elsewhere.

Be advised that our only remaining account estimates that the enemy has expended approximately 500 (!) pearls against us in this war. Quite an expense against a helpless enemy. What do you think will happen when Arcane Nexus is opened?

Choose your side wisely. Or don't choose at all, and wait patiently for your turn to die.

If anyone's interested, a 20HP SC is currently located in Province #100. Perhaps a barrage of Seeking Arrows is in order? Use your imagination.

The great undersea hope.
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