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Old December 22nd, 2008, 09:24 PM

Loren Loren is offline
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Default Re: New Nation: Dragons, Magic Incarnate V1.01

Originally Posted by Aezeal View Post
you should be able to kill a lot of those troops with a SC or a few thugs..
Yeah, with the leaders gone they wither very quickly. I haven't taken them on yet because of dominion. I'm holding him at chokepoints and I don't really want to break into the land beyond until I've cleared Ry'leh dominion from it. I'm stomping on Arco first.

if the game is finished.. just try to kill those large armies.
My problem is that I have a hard time declaring that I've won when I'm in next to last place on army size.

can you try mixed armies of some shooters, bonebiters and commanders with equipment? I'd guess those balanced armies should be able to take pretty strong forces.
I see no need at this point. Pure commander armies are doing quite well.

I'm not quite sure that the nation is underpowered though.. in SP you'll need to take advantage of tricks to beat 8 mighty opponents with any nation.. just recruiting you'll always loose since they have about double your income each (or something like that after upkeep at least)
Yeah, it wouldn't fare as well in MP.

Things I'll probably change:
- higher cost for ghostdragons
- maybe give the bonebiter a bit of a cost reduction (I guess loosing 2 AP attacks for 1 no AP attack is too much on top of the higher price)
Yeah, the units are over-nerfed by now. I'd *MUCH* prefer one fire-tongue to 3 bonebiters.

A few other things:

I seem to have fixed the Death Wraith assassination--see above.

The Dragon Raid spell needs to get rid of the poison units.
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