December 28th, 2008, 02:14 PM
First Lieutenant
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Re: New Nation: Dragons, Magic Incarnate V1.01
Originally Posted by Aezeal
I've started (for dom 3000 it's already uploaded) to just make them cost 300 gc.. 150% increase. For the future I'm thinking about lowering HP by 5, att by 1, str by 1 and loose one attack. But since the troops where not so strong I'll let them have this advantage for now. Especially in dom 3000 they might be just what the nation needs. And indeed with a few strong guards they might be defeated more easily.
PS Loren are you interested in playing a nation in our upcoming dom 3000 game (you could have dragons though with the serious playtesting you've already given them, thanks again btw, I suspect they will be one of the nations with fewer flaws left.)
I'm not all that good a player actually but it might be interesting.