Re: Avernum, Crystal Souls v1.5 UPDATE
- True, sorry.
- I was meaning the other sacred, The vahnatai warrior. The soul guard I very much understand, but yes I get it. The movement three for ranger would seem to be more of them covering distance within the territory to get to those pivotal points in order to be in a territory before/after an enemy conquers it, being in perfect position to assassinate, but yes I understand.
The warriors however, as avernum has no calvary to speak of, it may be interesting to have them able to flank lightly as fast attacking units able to reach the back row,while slower then calvary, but pretty fast.
- It just seemed the extra reach and overall repel damage of the halberd would be more suited to what they want to do, generally I kinda forgot about the slith pole arm bonus at the moment though. Understandable.
- There are? I haven't received one yet, nor know how to see them.. Although if their in your pics you posted up, I cannot see them. For some odd reason I can't see any pics on the dom forums oddly.
Thanks for the suited response, I will be using them more today, to check for any glitched issues, bugs, or just overall problems. I can't really think of any meaningful contributing idea's generally for now, so I'll stick with looking for bugworks. Glad you made this awesome mod though. So thanks overall.
Last edited by Zebion; December 30th, 2008 at 09:06 AM..