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Old January 2nd, 2009, 06:37 PM

Aezeal Aezeal is offline
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Bug Dominions 3000 - MP game - 2-3 nations left

The dominions 3 mod "Dominions 3000" takes dominions 3 to a new age.. an age where nations have either invented spacetravel or died. 7 nations currently exist

The Galactic Empire of Ulm

These nations will battle for supremacy on the Solar System map, specially made for dominions 3000 and populated by special independants. The nations are either spin-off of dom 3 nations (Jomon, R'lyeh and Ulm), nations made by me from scratch (Orcs, Dragons) or nations Amos created for dom 3 and which have been adapted with his permission (Insectoids and Commonwealth). The setting is characterized by: high armour and much AP weapons, space provinces (forests) and units with different shapes in space (forestshapes), overall higher mobility. The progression of magic decline throughout the ages has not been continued however.. magic is on about MA level I'd say.

Llama has offered to host the game so wel will play on his server.

In the mods forum there is a large thread about this mod with in the last pages an excellent review of the nations by Rdonj
In there you can also see a description of all nations and other features of the mod in the first post.

The game will start somewhere in the next 3 weeks, minimum amount of player I require is 3 (which could include me) and max is 7 (all races, which would be a bit crowed but would make a great fast and mean game) If enough pplz enlist I'll refrain from playing my self and be an independant observer.

The mod has been tested extensively and is considered to be reasonably balanced (not more unbalanced than vanilla dom 3 that is) but if there are obvious flaws in the game then adjustments can be made (and players are expected to inform me of clear bugs or loopholes) to the .dm file. All loopholes that are generally not allowed in other MP games are not allowed here either.

- Loren has requested to have the Dragons nation
- Aezeal (me) will take the nation of R'lyeh since it is considered to be the weakest nation

The other nations are free to those who sign up first. If all are taken and someone would like to play he/she cuuld sign up for R'lyeh and I will not play them (which would not bother me at all, I could make needed changes more objectively.)

Dragons: Loren
R'lyeh: Aezeal
Orcs: Rdonj
INsectoids: Calmon
Jomon: Free
Commonwealth: Darkwind
Galactic Empire of Ulm: Dragar

Sign up now!

Needed mod and map file are in the mod thread and attached to this post. Game will be played with version 0.76 (latest release as of 2-1-09). As always the unzipped map files need to go into the map folder of your dominions directory and the mod files in the mod folder of your dominions directory.
Attached Files
File Type: zip Dominions 3000 (2.09 MB, 174 views)
File Type: zip solar (1.89 MB, 190 views)
Want a blend of fantasy and sci-fi? Try the total conversion Dominions 3000 mod with a new and fully modded solar system map.
Dragons wanted? Try the Dragons, Magic Incarnate nation.
New and different undead nation? Try Souls of Shiar. Including new powerfull holy magic.
In for a whole new sort of game? Then try my scenario map Gang Wars.

Last edited by Aezeal; January 7th, 2009 at 05:11 PM.. Reason: update nations taken
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