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Old January 3rd, 2009, 04:43 AM

Radioheart Radioheart is offline
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Default Re: Momentum - EA game - Started

Originally Posted by Wokeye View Post
Tien Chi grows more powerful despite our best efforts
consider acting now to thwart it's advance, or it will rule the world very quickly!
Were these the words of a true Prophet there would be calls for celebration throughout the world. The peaceful and just rulership of T'ien Ch'i is surely the undying hope of every man, woman, shambler, markata, bakemo and child of the land.

Were these the words of a false prophet of Pangaea any honorable citizen would question its credibility.

The Celestial Court has sought peace with both the Mictlan and the Ry'leh to no avail and are currently beset on a third front by the Pan. Our "world threatening superpowers" are wielded only in our self defense against intractable enemies.

The Celestial Court has itself received delivery of several casks of Vanheim spirits and nothing of its equal have we ever served. Not even in our humblest commoner inns are the foul grogs and vinegar wines of Pangaea dispensed. Have caution to who is called a threat and think twice before criticizing another's libations.

Good fortune,
The Celestial Court
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