Originally Posted by geoschmo
That's just how Fyron rolls. The best thing to do is ignore his Emily Post comments and just respond to the actual feedback you get on your questions.
As dead as this forum is I don't know why anyone would try to lower the number of posts. 
How Fyronic!
By the way, love the dead horse smilie.
It seemed so very appropriate to the discussion at hand.
In truth, I got involved with Space Empires a bit later than most, courtesy of Ragnarok, and started fiddling around with modeling and modding about the time SE5 was becoming the next big thing over the horizon.
I very much enjoy SE4, and love the idea of customizing it to fit an idea I have. I do greatly appreciate, certain nitpicking notwithstanding, all the helpful bits the more experienced players have given me, and may yet give.