Originally Posted by NKIcan
So what do you all do to a) make the AI more entertaining and more of a challenge and b) to keep from trouncing the AI through them having stupid scales/gods?
All hints welcome 
Inspired by Baalz' recent guide on Niefelheim, I just added superskrattir as a recruitable unit for Niefelheim and its descendants.
#newmonster 2479
#copystats 1652
#name "Superskratti"
#gcost 700
#magicskill 2 2
#magicskill 7 1
#copyspr 1652
#weapon 101
#weapon 149
#weapon 20
#berserk 3
#prot 18
#attack 13
#defense 13
#selectnation 17
#addrecunit 2479
#addreccom 2479
#selectnation 42
#addrecunit 2479
#addreccom 2479
#selectnation 63
#addrecunit 2479
#addreccom 2479
(For some reason that I'm still trying to work out, the troop versions appear as wolves and not werewolves.)
It's true these guys are slightly too strong--natural prot synergizes with berserk better than armor prot, and these guys get the Quickness bonus to att/def but could actually cast Quickness on top of that. I don't figure that will matter though, against the AI, because he probably won't be fielding nearly as many as a human player would. 700 gold is my wild guess at how much gold you're losing out on by collecting enough blood slaves to forge Baalz's suggested equipment.
I've been looking into Amos' angel nations recently, and Aezael's dragon nations, as opponents. I'd rather do something like this, though, which is within a nation's capabilities even if the AI usually doesn't do it.