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Old January 6th, 2009, 05:06 PM

Aezeal Aezeal is offline
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Default Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

Well even the best RPG's usually are somewhat about looting since loot is cash and cash is better equip.. and that usually helps you surviving.. to be honest in BG 2 and even planescape I was more looting than in fallout 3.. I actually don't need more cash in my game now.. just need to be able to carry stuff I think is special (which it's obviously not since it's always there in all games playes but I'm a collector and what everything that seems special to me in my house.) if I stopped doing that I'd probably just take some weapons, bullets and cash... most stuff in fallout 3 is just post nuclear junk you shouldn't pick up

I love fall out 3 really... but I'm not playing now due to my son just being born and I'm pretty far in the game and I'm playing on lowest of lowest graphs and the rest I'll play on my new (mid price) comp (will order within 1-2 weeks) so I can finish it on 1920x1200 on my new 26" screen

PS I loved populous 3 too
Want a blend of fantasy and sci-fi? Try the total conversion Dominions 3000 mod with a new and fully modded solar system map.
Dragons wanted? Try the Dragons, Magic Incarnate nation.
New and different undead nation? Try Souls of Shiar. Including new powerfull holy magic.
In for a whole new sort of game? Then try my scenario map Gang Wars.
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