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Old January 6th, 2009, 05:26 PM
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Starshine_Monarch Starshine_Monarch is offline
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Default Sol - CBM EA Game on Llamaserver: Running

Nothing really new or fancy about this game. Seeing as many games are already filled up or running, I thought I'd create a new one, particularly for people coming back from Holiday happenings that want some action, though all are welcome to play.


Settings/Mods - Early Age, Conceptual Balance Mod 1.3 will be used (Mod can be found here). Score graphs will be turned off. This makes it more difficult to bully weaker nations without doing your own intel work. Renaming will also be on. Other settings will remain standard.

Map - Map will be "Asia Twist" which can be found here.

Hosting - Hosting will be every 27 hours with Quickhost on to start with. After 20 turns we'll have a vote to change the hosting time to whatever seems fitting.

Size - We now have our full compliment of 10 players.

Diplomacy - Diplomacy is really up to the players. Just note that treachery certainly won't win you any new friends, and if your victim has friends of his own to back him up, you might find yourself in over your head.


Nations signed up:

- Marverni: Psycho
- Mictlan: Executor
- Tir na n'Og: licker
- Abysia: Dragar
- Ermor: chrispederson

Last edited by Starshine_Monarch; May 8th, 2009 at 11:40 PM..
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