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Old January 8th, 2009, 05:52 AM

onomastikon onomastikon is offline
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Default Re: OT: Bruce Geryk's other choice

I don't run a mac, but I know that at least one long-time player of SC does. I think his handle is mattness, if you register on the SC boards ( you could PM him or simply post asking for help. You'll probably get a reply within 24 hours.
It's a niche game and its current publisher, Sony Online, does nothing to help get it noticed, so I don't know where to find the mac software.

I've been playing this game for 6 months now, and I still feel that I'm a newbie. While the game is easier to learn than Dominions is, I have found it surprisingly harder to get good at. It is hard to describe why; I think it has something to do with the fact that there are 3 truly distinct victory conditions and with the unique combination of the possibilities, contingencies and interconnections between spells (card play) and the map; it really *is* a hybrid boardgame / card game, and the board game by no means comes up short. In Dominions, you have billions and billions of possible things to do; in SC, the sheer number of entities and their possible actions are smaller, but it's the way that these entities interact with their environment (the "board") that make the possibilities at times surprising. I think that's what I like most about this game: I still get surprised every game. In Dominions, I feel like the leader of a huge army, and careful planning will normally keep me on the track I want to go on; Dominions does a perfect job of giving me command of huge armies with boundless amounts of "stuff" to do with them. Yet I am rarely surprised; at least, much less so than in SC. In Dominions, I find the end-game to be, at times, while not necessarily tedious, than at least often less than exciting or surprising, or at least not nail-biting. In SC, at least half the games involve great surprises, and that is also because the 3 victory conditions really are distinct -- and unlike games such as Civilization, it is hard to see far ahead who is going for what and when they can reach their goal. The good thing which can be said about this is that new players can ask veterans to handicap themselves by playing with extremely limited amounts and power of spells (cards in hand); I still get beaten regularly.
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