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Old January 9th, 2009, 10:25 PM

chrispedersen chrispedersen is offline
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Default Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]

Underground News Dispatch

Disturbing news from the Surface of the World!

Consolidation of the surface by the surface worlds continues.
Our worms on the street confirm that over the last quarter...

The FireBreathers of LA-Abysia and Midguard have picked up more than 10 provinces - equal to the totals of the next two teams combined (Caelum & Utgard). The wealth of all those provinces also garnered them the largest increase in gold - an increase per turn of 939!

The sleeper of the last quarter had to be Utgard - picking up more than 1400!!!! in research, as well as 82 Dominion candles, and garnishing more than 29 ADDITIONAL gems per turn. Truly Incredible.

Meanwhile the two caelum added 3 forts and almost double the size of their armies, adding 819 to their upkeep, at a time when they are engaged in a war. Truly amazing and disturbing tidings.

The Top 4 teams were responsible for every first place finish. Truly a dominating performance.

By our lowly rankings the top teams are.....

#3.. Jomon/Lanka. We have no idea how they did it. IF we had hands we'd be scratching our (multiple) heads.
#2 LA Abysia / LA Midguard. Simultaneously taking out an underground garrison AND almost completely destroying Marignon.
and.. for the second straight quarter.....

#1... the Twin Caelums. The clouds are about the only place these birds haven't put a fort. The peace they have reached with their other neighbors has allowed them to Dominate Dr.P and control the south center. Will it last? ..Will the caelums continue their unfettered flight to the top... Tune in next quarter for more .. upside news.. if we're not extinct.

The underground oracle predicts that tomorrow's weather will be clear. Temperature will be a balmy 68 degrees. Just like last year. And the year before.
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