Originally Posted by Zeldor
Maybe everything except LA Mictlan [too much sacreds? :P], MA Ashdod [even CBM 1.4 changes are not enough] and LA Ermor.
R'lyeh has a pretty heavy domkill too. I wouldn't know the difference, but are they better for a fun game than LA Ermor?
Originally Posted by Chrispedersen
Fortunately that still left MA Ermor (mwahahah).
Practising my evil laugh...
Needs more crushing the weak, imho

. May the best evil overlord win!
Originally Posted by Dragar
I thought we weren't meant to pick nations yet, but if we are then dibs on LA utgard
When you last posted, we weren't.
The first post could probably be updated that we are picking nations though.
MaxEffect asked for Utgard back on page three when the go was given, just so you know.