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Old January 13th, 2009, 04:11 PM
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Default Re: Chronicles_EA: Second-pass Signup and Discussion

Originally Posted by Lokean View Post
I am not going to be able to continue the game. Sorry, but RL troubles have scfrewed me
Originally Posted by Lokean View Post
I am pretty much offline at this point, RL problems. I'm going to have to hand over the admin to somebody else. Since lch is handling the database I'm going to PM him the llamaserver password, he can hand it off from there is necessary.
Hmm. It seems like our noble benefactor has dropped out of the other Chronicles game and another MP game he was involved in Looks like we might have to take it upon ourselves to get this thing organised.

Weeell, I guess the first thing to do (assuming you are in fact gone, Lokean, if not please step in and pimp slap me down for getting up in your grill) might be to finalize the map we're playing. Orania, our original suggestion, could easily accomodate the.. 15? players who're interested except for the fact that R'leyh and Atlantis would have 20 water provinces between them which might be a pain for a hopefully slower paced roleplay game (or maybe they will like the tension it could bring *shrugs*). If your serious about playing Oceania Tifone then maybe we should find a decent underwater map Awakening seems aboot right in province count, despite being a bit plain. Other than that Glory of the Gods or Edi's Faerun map are the only ones I know of that might fit. Anyone else know any decent maps of the right size?

Also, an updated player list since I guess Lok won't be able to update the one at the start of the thread. Anyone not in the list who wants to be or anyone who no longer wants to play?

Arco ------------------ Radiogibbon
Ermor ----------------- MaxWilson
Mictlan --------------- Qio
Abysia ---------------- Soyweiser
C'tis ----------------- NKIan
Pangaea --------------- GP
Agartha --------------- Ruminant
R'lyeh ---------------- Incabulos
Kailsa/Oceania? ------- Tifone
Lanka ----------------- Wrana
Marveni --------------- Vanslime
Helheim --------------- Baalz
Atlantis -------------- Darkwind
Ulm ------------------- Jybalbyle
Sauromantia ----------- Mithras

Edit: Man my BB code skills suck.
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