Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
In the late game, when you have many territories, and MANY mages, and are scripting multiple large scale battles, potentially with a communion here or there. When you are examining enemy SCs to determine potential weak points, and trying to gear yours to specifically exploit your enemy, while leaving minimal vulnerabilities. When you are managing your finite gem income to get maximal effect, because with some gem types you are burning through a surplus that you need to plan for the depletion of, or you are saving some to snag large summons or a global.
Oh yeah, a very complicated turn simply cannot be done in 30 minutes, unless you are already accepting defeat.
Not that we are that late game, or that anyone is that large in this game - but some people just can't reliably sit down every single day to run Dominions turns, unless they're the 5 minute variety at the start.