Re: Chronicles_EA: Second-pass Signup and Discussion
Faerun does sound like the optimal choice; epic in scope and easy on the eyes to boot. The question is do we run the adventure version or just the regular? For those who've never tried the map the adventure version means that certain provinces on the map (major cities, sites of power, etc) have special defenders, like the dwarves of Mithril Hall or the undead and demons of Hellgate Keep, some of whom can be quite tough to beat).
While this would really unbalance a normal MP game (some defenders have quite significant magical items you can aquire, some people might start out with a province connected to their initial castle that they won't be able to take for a year or two and I can't quite recall but I seem to remember something about Edi placing special sites in some of the defended provinces? *shrugs*) I can only see it adding flavour and fun to our game. My vote would be for the adventure version but I can certainly understand if people would rather play vanilla.
Last edited by Ruminant; January 15th, 2009 at 11:44 AM..