Originally Posted by JimMorrison
Is interesting, as a straight MR check, it's more of something to pass on as anti-SC gear...
Originally Posted by vfb
I agree it's not spectacular as an anti-SC device, but if it's an extended battle between two combat SCs, once it triggers, there goes your defense and attack...
Originally Posted by Sombre
It certainly means they're strong against normal units on a high defence thug, like one of the van or sidhe ones.
I think the question boils down to whether you'd rather (once you hit const. 4) have a vine shield or an eye shield for the same cost in N gems.
BTW, disregarding the magic effect, they're both 0 enc, 5 def, but the eye shield is 15 prot vs. 12 on the vine shield (FWIW).
I think for most purposes (thugs/SCs) the vine shield wins, but occasionally if I'm especially N gem rich, I'll forge an eye shield for an important caster.