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Old January 17th, 2009, 08:31 AM
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Default Re: Zen and the art of Thugging

But then again, most PD and many independents have spears, and those are very valuable targets for thugs.

Now that I think about it, Dancing Trident should be one of the best repelling weapons available, since it has length 6 and it deals base 19 damage. 7 gems might be worth it for some high att/def thugs without awe. Perhaps LA Tien Chi Ancestor Smiths?

Ancestor Smiths with a nature random have 15 att and def, 13 hp and a magical two-handed sword with lesser fear (and +3 att/def). They lose their sword if given shield, their armor is enc 3 and they don't start with a helmet, so it can be hard to equip them economically.
Copper plate and Summon Earthpower + Ironskin will give them good protection and minor reinvigoration, and def of 17. Ancestor Vessels are expensive, but have good magic resistance and bows that cause fear, so they could be worth a bless, and Water 9 would help them cause more fear faster. Minor Nature and Earth would help them survive once they get to melee, and would help make Ancestor Smiths thugs work.

I wonder if this counts as meditating? If it does, I just spent about half an hour practicing the Zen of Thugging.
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