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Old January 20th, 2009, 02:31 AM

chrispedersen chrispedersen is offline
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Default Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.4

Here were some I noted in various places, I don't know if they got fixed:

1. The ermor/pythium multihero has a problem on his attacks.
He references weapons 770++ which are not listed (they are in worthy heros).

Worthy heros has the code, however, they reference secondary effects which are not mentioned in the modders manual, so I have no idea if they work.

Really needs to be fixed as gladiators are pretty pointless otherwise.

2. I also suggest that the golden tusk is probably broken for similar reasons.

3. I have had problem with the Golden Helmets and Golden Scale mail as well.

4. CBM 1.3 lists Axe of hate as Defense 14.
Its actually damage 14, not defense 14.

5. Many people do not play with confusion - but it is devestating in its current incarnation - possibly better than lightning spamming. The number of spell effects 5+ if I recall correctly is simply too high. Bump it up a level either in research or casting requirements (1 air !!!!)

6. Bump umbral back down one level in research. Yes, it is a strong spell. However, Agartha is not a powerhouse contender.

7. Light vs Darkness. Darkness is level 6 - and if someone hasn't researched up the light tree, they can be hosed for a *very very* long time. Make a version of Solar Radiance that doesnt burn eyes or undead - all it does is counter darkness.

8. The Bow of Agonizing death has a shorter range than all other magic bows; it doesn't seem to have been the beneficiary of the bow range update that was otherwise applied across the board.
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