Originally Posted by Wrana
This I understand. But still, it isn't logical. And it, for example, removes advantage Bandars have with their Markata scouts, which were not boosted, or Vans scouts. Maybe some boost would be in order, but surely not +20 to all! As for commanders - they shouldn't be so dirt cheap in any case. I can't say whether its' possible to prevent broad usage of independent commanders, nor whether is any point of trying it. Some national commanders bring clear advantages, and there are no independents with Ld 80+, for example...
As far scouts, it's not +20 to all, Illwinter already boosted default stealth to +10. I do agree commanders should not be as cheap or cheaper than comparable troops, and I've made an effort that that should not be the case (even though I suspect a great many national commanders would not get used much at 0 gold). 80+ leadership is fairly immaterial when you can simply spam more indies for the same job.
Originally Posted by Wrana
But in example I brought, satyr sneaks WERE cheaper than satyr infantry in base game!  And you specifically mentioned that an idea was to make common human infantry cheaper... %)
I guess I don't understand what you are getting at here... human light infantry are cheaper, so are satyr infantry, so are satyr sneaks. All of them are rarely employed base game.
Originally Posted by Wrana
Do you use javelin version light cavalry much?  Do you use peltasts much? In independents light infantry I would agree maybe - but then, they are just a chaff anyway...
It's not the fact they use javelins that makes them so bad, it's the fact they are light cavalry with associated costs. Though I guess it might make sense to give jav cavalry more ammunition. And I do use peltasts in CB.
Originally Posted by Wrana
So, you make paths for her as costly as for a Dragon due to being fond of her?! Girls, beware!  Agree that she is a fair choice in basegame, but do not that she should be nerfed in CBM. The only possible reason I already listed - someone  was afraid that she should be used with Astral to make and use pearls in crazy amounts. I don't think actual danger is so great and she is weaker than most Titans so I'd think she should retain pathcost 50...
I don't think you can claim she is nerfed, she lost a 125 point cost, that buys a lot of new paths. Plus getting water gems. She is different from other titans and that was the intent.
Originally Posted by Wrana
I can almost swear I've seen it in CBM 1.3 few days ago!
Then I would guess you had worthy heroes enables as well.
Originally Posted by Wrana
Unthematic?? These guys are based on Homer's heroes, for all goodness!  And "somewhat cheaper price" made them cost less that normal chariots! :crazy" Of course, I didn't mean making them more powerful than, say, Awakened hero or Knight Commanders, but this should be about their level...
Yes, I agree stats comparable to knight commanders seems a good idea. But I don't think they should get more expensive than 5-10 gold more than a normal chariot.
Originally Posted by Wrana
Well, they are usable, of course. On the other hand, Rakshasi cost the same iirc, while having better stats...
In the end, all CB is aiming for is for as many options as possible to be viable in some situations. Oreiads clearly are viable, and EA Arco is not terribly weak either, so I really don't see the necessity. This is totally apart from the fact I'd find more hp unthematic.
Originally Posted by Wrana
Except it would be very awkward to use them from Pegasus-back, you mean?  Yes, it is in base game. And no, I don't like it there, too. By the way, I don't remember offhand, but think there are no other troops with big lances in EA... 
Sauromatia for one. Also Oceania, and one of Tir Na Og's commanders. And of course the indies.
Originally Posted by Wrana
It would be helpful - as I pointed out, this will reduce both attack and defence penalties. And having Def 10 instead of 8 will make them quite more survivable against common troops, at least. And it's thematic as far as most Howard-based fantasy goes: there are nobody wielding 2 big axes in Howard's own stories, nor are in classical Conan movies iirc (big axes are mostly used as hand-and-a-half weapons, quite sensibly).
This does seem like a decent idea.
Originally Posted by Wrana
She is more useful?  Can't just look in this case now, but generally priests are more costly than commanders... About queen - yes, it's a good reason, actually - but shouldn't she get some spice for it then?
I checked and you are right base game the priestess actually is more costly. So I would not object to reducing the price, but it's a very delicate game, Sauromatia has so many military commanders its easy to leave some with 100% no niche.
Originally Posted by Wrana
Sorry, but ALL Bandar are higher class!  And making them less able with weapons than common infantry just looks silly to me.
Even base game bandar have lower base defense than the vanara.
Originally Posted by Wrana
Then why another was needed??
There is one base game, one in CB, no real difference other than cost.
Originally Posted by Wrana
Unless I misunderstand, SS should just trigger second form in this case... Where am I wrong? What I can see are slightly buggy afflictions (especially disease). But a possible alternative would be to make them Size 1 - and this makes them more vulnerable to trample. Another thought was Animalawe - but unfortunately, cavalry isn't considered to be animals (siege penalty it would get would be appropriate - but there are a number of animal-only spells...)
With extra forms, yeah, it might be workable. I'm not sure how it would make them specifically much better against cavalry though.
Originally Posted by Wrana
Is it possible for it to require Blood level, but no slaves? Nothing in mod. manual seems to indicate otherwise.
I don't believe this is possible.
Originally Posted by Wrana
I don't see a sense of Spirit Curse costing a gem - iirc, it just curses 1 enemy, as per Curse which doesn't cost anything...
Quite true, but something exactly similar to curse seems even worse.
Originally Posted by Wrana
Wild Hunt and Erinies look to get too low level - I think that thematically they should appear later in the game..
Ideally I agree, but the effects are not very moddable, and I'm not willing to go lower on gem cost for a global, or path cost thematically, so it's the best of some poor choices.
Originally Posted by Wrana
Summon Fall Bears - Bears themselves are less useful than other seasonal spirits. Maybe they should get some boost (fear/berserk/recuperation/just higher stats)?
If I were to tweak them I'd simply knock some gems off the cost. I'd be interested if there is wide agreement on their relative weakness.
Originally Posted by Wrana
Bane for 4 gems seems too cheap
As does Lamia Queen for 15. Maybe 20?
I still rarely see these, so apparently not.
Originally Posted by Wrana
Great Eagle I see no sense at 7th level even as commander... Lower level?
That's possible... there are so many low level summons to compete with though.
Originally Posted by Wrana
Amphiptere I would prefer to be summoned in some numbers instead of being commander that can't lead anyone...
Seems more like a solitary creature in my own subjective sense of thematicness.
Originally Posted by Wrana
Zmey (Bogarus again  ) I would make somewhat more GoRable by giving some random magic picks (maybe look into item slots, too)...
I suppose I could give some fire magic, but I really have a hard time imaging them being GoRed even with some magic and improved slots.
Originally Posted by Wrana
Summon Kappa - I would prefer to have a possibility of getting some troops of these guys. Is it possible to include 2 versions of the spell?
It would be some work, I'm not sure it's worth it.
Originally Posted by Wrana
Celestial Servant - I don't see use in him even at 1 gem apiece. Maybe he should get some non-combat bonus instead (unrest decrease, e.g.)
Not a bad idea, not sure how much difference it would really make though.
Originally Posted by Wrana
Cavern Wight at lvl 1 seems too early...
Considering he is probably still too sucky to bother summoning, I disagree.
Originally Posted by Wrana
As does Telestic Animation at lvl 2. Especially if you consider nations with reanimating priests...
The reanimation issue is quite possible... still better early than cheap, because of that.
Originally Posted by Wrana
Astral Window I think quite useful at cost 2 with no need for reduction (not that it matters much - it would eat additional gems for continuation anyway).
It's not exactly abusable cheaper, so I don't see a real problem.
Originally Posted by Wrana
Both Internal Alchemy and 1000 Year Ginseng are quite useful. I think they shouldn't get quite so cheap.
They might both have rather niche uses at higher costs, but given they are rather unique effects spells, and national, I'd like to see them as useful as possible.
Originally Posted by Wrana
Blindness seems too early at research 2.
It might be... but fire needs some help, and I have not seen it abused yet.
Originally Posted by Wrana
Hidden in Snow/Sand - while look slightly too costly in basegame, seem to get too cheap here. I'd think closer to 60, considering they produce both strong troops, thugs and added magic diversity...
Again, fun spells i have a hard time seeing as abusable, If they truly become the overshadowing use of water/earth gems I may have to reconsider.
Originally Posted by Wrana
While I welcome Legions of Steel at research 1, I always use it anyway, so maybe it's too early here.
Legions of steel tends to get much less useful late in the game, so I'd rather give it it's niche.
Originally Posted by Wrana
Why Frost Fiend is cheaper than Devil? I think it actually slightly better and harder to get at (unless you're Niefelheim).
Storm Demon I'd say is better than both and Demon Knight worse. Do you disagree?
I must admit I have not carefully analyzed between the frost fiend and devil, I just went by Illwinter's original cost levels between the two. It is notable though that there are far more fire/blood mages than water/blood.
I would say demon knight is in most situations better than the storm demons, I was very wary of overcheapening a high prot low enc troop with fear.
Originally Posted by Wrana
Hell Power seems too easy at path level 1. Yes, it's risky, but...
I'd just like to see it used, I would be very surprised if people can dominate the early game with it.
Originally Posted by Wrana
Improved Crossbreeding seems to be cheaper than just Crossbreeding. Why?
This actually a good point, I should probably just up the improved versions number of effects and leave it more expensive.
Originally Posted by Wrana
Why Demon Jester should be commander - and what a sense of it if he can't lead anyone? He surely isn't a good enough thug to summon as such...
The base demon jester is clearly useless, but most boosts are quite unthematic. You don't want swarms of them, and you don't want them excellent in combat.
Instead, they do exactly what jesters should, frustrate opponents by distracting assassins and commander targeting spells. They can also be used for simple tasks like carrying items and gems, building forts, possibly a chassis for spell casting items, etc.
Originally Posted by Wrana
Why make Mound Kings poor leaders? They aren't useful in other qualities (except using Fire Bolas, that is).
This was another attempt to encourage use of national commanders. It doesn't seem to have changed much and I'll probably undo it.
Originally Posted by Wrana
Also, I disagree with nerfing skeletons. 
Plus, shields are "rotten" - not "rotted" (don't remember whether this was mentioned already)! 
No, it says exactly what it means, they are rotten as shields.
Originally Posted by Wrana
There are several instances (at least, in separate item file) when 1 item appears several times. I don't know how the game handles this, but it can be bug-threatening. Ethereal Crossbow is one, appears as 0 and 4 levels? Demon Whip also.
Thanks for pointing that out, it does need some cleaning up.
Originally Posted by Wrana
Boots of the Behemoth look too good for lvl 0.
I have yet to see one used, base or cb, let alone to good effect.
Originally Posted by Wrana
Bear Claw Talisman appears with mainpath 6 (!). Who needs it then?
Mainpath 6 makes the main path nature.
Originally Posted by Wrana
And Summer Sword gets const. level 0 - I think it at least useful enough for Lesser Items (2).
Another one I have yet to see anyone forge, in any circumstance.
It does seem like there is quite a bit we disagree on, but that's fine. The mod is really for the sake of the community- on almost any aspect of, if you can find enough people that agree with you on a specific change I'm almost certain to implement/unimplement it.