Thread: MP Rothfuss- Running
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Old January 22nd, 2009, 03:54 AM

Trumanator Trumanator is offline
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Default Re: Rothfuss- Full

Hmmm, has Incabulos dissapeared?? Still waiting on him and no reply to my PM. I would hate for someone to stale on the first turn, but I'm not gonna postpone unless he specifically contacts me.

For future reference, if someone stales I will try to contact them by PM, and if they don't respond and/or continue to stale I'm going to try to find a sub on the short notice, and failing that, set them to AI.

If you don't think you can continue, or that you will be gone for an extended period of time, make sure to let me know and we can both work on finding a sub. Tifone gets first wack, but if he declines then we'll both start looking. In case we both find one, I will defer to the player's choice.
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