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Old January 22nd, 2009, 12:11 PM

DuncanIdaho DuncanIdaho is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: France
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Default Re: Introduce yourself!! :-)


This is my first post here. Like doktor, I live in France.

I used to play Heroes of Might and Magic and by looking for something new and deeper, I found Dominions. I bought it two months ago and I love it.

I tried at first a few SP games, and I'm currently playing my first MP game with other french people. I find it pretty scarry cause it can be long and I may die every day, but I enjoy this experience a lot .

So I would like to thank the developer for this great game, and thank everyone here for all the tips, guides and other priceless stuff you give to newbies like me. I hope to play with you very soon .
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