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Old January 22nd, 2009, 06:41 PM

Agema Agema is offline
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Default Re: Crossbows vs. Longbows

Ah, trolltastic!

Originally Posted by MachingunJoeTurbo View Post
You might want to check the OP again.
Yes, quite right. There's all of one other post agreeing from my quick check, for the grand total of two, out of all posters in this topic. And yet you've started a huge rant about longbow fanboys. You might want to check the prevailing arguments, not go off half-cocked about one comment.

I will quickly pop through the traces of intellectual meat to your last post: your waffle about various battles isn't really relevant, for the obvious reasons like morale, surprise attacks, tactics and so on also applying. re. longbow costs, "lowest bidder" rules applied then as now, I suspect. I note you consistently avoided my points on the different draw weight of Welsh/English war longbows compared other bows and longbows. Ho hum.

First of all to be pedantic you don't "Fire" a bow, cross or otherwise, because no "fire" is involved like in firearm.
Check your dictionary. No, hang on, let me save you the effort: : fire (shoot) - 1. "to cause a weapon to shoot bullets, arrows or missiles". You need to get your facts right if you want to act like that in debates.

What else could there be but "emotional investment" when someone is trying to pump up their value within a strategy game? Instead of the same generic Mickey Mouse history discussion that occurs on any game...
I think you have an emotional investment in being anti-longbow, which explains your attitude and your exhaustive yet very factually and logically limited two posts. Everyone else here is very calm about it all.

A bow is a bow is a bow
Wow. I guess then a gun is a gun is a gun. Musket, assault rifle, shotgun, what's the difference?
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