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Old January 23rd, 2009, 11:26 AM

Thierry Thierry is offline
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Default Re: How can I transform my pretender ?

Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker View Post
If you REALLY want to then it would be about a 4-line text file to create a little mod to add movement to the Fountain of Blood.

Altho you might want to make that 5 line and add the line to grant it as a god only to the nation you are playing.

Of course you could also go nuts and throw in all kinds of stuff like free spells, gem making ability, summon ability, etc.

And you also could use any creature in the game (demons, devils, horrors, gnomes) or even add your own little image from some other game and build its abilities from scratch.

You could even put in a picture of yourself and build a god around that.
Aie ! Don't tempt me Look at me playing god. Sorry pretender !

Well I didn't intend to cheat the game. I was just wondering if, at one time, you can morph / transform / reborn your pretender into something else.

I never play blood nation. The fountain was only to provide for youth boots and earth bleeding stones.

So I wondered : is there a spell, probably in the blood line, to transform your pretender ?

Like : if you take the old witch, you can twiceborn and voila you have better characteristics

Or the nature spell transformation : but it didn't work with fountain...

In many B series movie, the very bad guy, be it a sceptre, a defeated vampire, a shadow, etc.. tries to return to power by some dark casting and regain its lost strenght.

I thought it could be thematic for blood or death strong pretenders to find a *hugely/insanely costly* spell that could turn you into something else.

Why not enable to wish for it otherwise ?

I gather from your answers that twiceborn and transform are the sole possibilities ? And don't work with fountain...
What about 'soul control' or ankh thing that send you back once you're killed ? Seems far fetched

Do you think it could be possible to add a new spell that turns you into something else, like giving a body to the spirit that inhabits that old sphynx. Through the very low cost of a few hundred slaves, but who cares if the great moloch takes body !

Or a polymorph self spell, like, say, 9 astral or something (water ?) to change body and turn into a monster ?
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