Originally Posted by MachingunJoeTurbo
I'm not trolling because trolling is marked by a sole intent to annoy and that's not my purpose.
6.Longbows "Arcing"
Some people get the misconception that you using a handbow means you can just go up and over anything. Think about what that means. That means a person would have to pull back on the string at varient lengths. Remember what I said about arrows being "right" for bows? All bows must be pulled back to same spot every single time. This spot is called the "anchor." Many modern bows use a clicker to tell the archer where this "sweet spot" is. In other words you MUST shoot the bow at "full power" every single time to maintain consistency and form and prevent bad things from happening to your arrows. This means you cannot "arc" whenever.
This is just poppycock.
It was common military practice in the medieval ages to
a). Mark out spacings around castles as markers so bowmen and artillery knew how hard to pull for the effective range.
b). It was often done to fire same at *less* than full strength to deceive your opponent as to the maxiumum range of your pieces.
According to your argument that each bow had a specific "sweet spot". Nonsense. If you are saying that a bow had to be pulled with 40 lbs of strength - Imagine how hard it would be to match each bowman to each bow.
It is much rather true that each bow had a *Wide* range of acceptable pull strengths. And generally, the harder you pulled it the farther the arror flies.
Competitions in the middle ages were held at various distances, with some at more than 1000 feet.
Other points:
While crossbows did have the ability for a moderate amount of ascenscion- they had essentially no ability for declension.
Talented bowman could put 5 arrows in the air in two seconds - and putting three arrows in a bird before it hit the ground. You can't even begin to compare the rate of fire of a crossbow.
Saying things is rocks scissors paper is a little misleading - yes, after a time systems and tactics develop to compensate for a new weapon.
However the longbow was an amazing and groundbreaking development.