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Old January 24th, 2009, 09:02 PM

Trumanator Trumanator is offline
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Default Re: War of the Ring- Full

Huzzah!! We now have all the players I think we can handle. So, now we begin discussion of what age and what nations. I myself think that LA is the way to go, and am very much in favor of thematic mod nations. However, I am open to suggestions. Baalz and Executor get first choice of course, and everyone else afterward. Remember to try and fit your choices to whichever side, good or evil, you want to be on. If its not too much trouble, I would like to have everyone else state their number of MP games, so we can try to balance the teams more or less.

For teams, we have Baalz as the Dark Lord Sauron, and Executor as Aragorn, Son of Arathorn, King of Gondor.

While Ermor might be thematic, I would like to refrain from including it, since there are a lot of noobs in the game who will have a lot of trouble, not to mention that Ermor is not a particularly comfortable ally.
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