Originally Posted by Baalz
The legions of Mordor are assembling. Agents of Sauron have been dispatched promising thrones to those who join the dark lord, as well as their darkest desires.
To the council of Bogarus Sauron has been promised dominion over all the lands of Man in the dark lord's name.
To the terrible and ancient demigod of Lanka, Sauron has promised freedom from his imprisonment and dominion over the Naga and Bandar usurpers who cast him down eons ago in exchange for bringing the nation of Patala to his cause.
To the necromancers of Agartha Sauron promises the keys to death itself and the return of the Pale Ones, along with dominion over all things beneath the earth.
To the bloody Skratti Sauron has promised the reawakening of the Rimtursar and an ocean of human slaves.
Will these nations accept the offered dark pact, or will others be tapped to fill their role?
I think he's still talking LA here.
As for combining ages, I'm okay with it, but someone will have to tell me how to do it if we can't use single age mod. Probably it will be better to just stick to late age and utilize backstory like Baalz just did to justify some anachronisms.
Damn, ninja'd