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Old January 26th, 2009, 03:48 AM
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Default Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

Originally Posted by Hadrian_II View Post
Originally Posted by licker View Post
Master of Orion 3.

Great game, and I'm not kidding.

Just be sure to get the user made patches and mods and you'll be wondering why the hell Quick Silver sucked so much.
Is it now possible to loose again the AI, or is it still not invading you?
Totally different game these days - excellent in fact!

But you need a mod. Best in my opinion is The MUU:BaA! one

It changes so many things about the game for the best. Higher resolution, balanced techs, a different start up where by you cannot build colony ships until you get the light cruiser tech etc...

Initial expansion is based on emigration from the home worlds and this little change in mechanics means that you fleet build at the begining - only small ships mind - you have to research all the hulls.

The AI invades - this was fixed by a patch Bhriuc made a while ago. Aparently, the AI would disband its transports the turn after they were dispatched, so they never actually reached the system they sought to conquer. - Infact there has been so much repair work done by the community that there is left, narry a bothersome bug

Do you self a favour - any one who likes a good space/strategy game and still has the moo3 discs lying around, give the mod a shot. Its now one fine game.
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