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Old January 26th, 2009, 05:15 PM
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Default Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

Originally Posted by licker View Post
Master of Orion 3.

Great game, and I'm not kidding.

Just be sure to get the user made patches and mods and you'll be wondering why the hell Quick Silver sucked so much.

I recently dug up the MoO3 disks and reinstalled, and it actually upset me pretty badly. Since I last had played, I upgraded from Win2K to WinXP, different video card, different drivers, etc etc. I played a little and it was fine, and then I discovered a mod pack, and once I installed the mods, I can no longer start a game, as I get the (supposedly generic?) DirectX Surface Not Found (or something like that) error. Starting the game on another machine, I could load the save on this one and play, but the error would consistently crop up again, ruining the game.

I haven't checked out what these people are saying, and I want to give this mod pack a try, but is there any discussion of this DirectX Surface error, and anything that can be done differently to avoid it?
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