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Old January 27th, 2009, 02:04 AM
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Default Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

Originally Posted by Tifone View Post
@ Baalz - I'd bet from your playing style as it appears from your Dom3 guides, that in AE you're a master in doing things like... using those extremely niche "air assault units" to drop on the back of enemies armies to cut their supply lines, and then attack them in the out of supply malus with a few optimal cost-efficiency-wise minimalistic outfitted units all in one round (me and my friend are for now stucked with the "build a big army and smash them" and sometimes "build a big nuke bomb for aircraft and smash them" )
Haha, cleverly outmaneuvering the AI has a bit of a stale feel. What good is it to crush your enemies if you can't hear the lamentations of their women? That's exactly a great example of why I wish that game had MP, there's a lot of fun potential things which I wouldn't really enjoy without picturing my opponent shaking his fist at his screen.
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