Originally Posted by JimMorrison
Originally Posted by licker
I'm confused, with all of the flavors.  Is Chocolate as final as it's going to get? Typing this while it downloads, but I doubt I'll reinstall until tomorrow - trying to minimize the chances of disappointment.
Yes the chocolate 0.999 version (I think that's the one) is the most 'current'. She is working on some new stuff, and has some changes to the .999 that have to be 'manually' done, though i haven't done them as that mod plays quite well as it is I believe.
I can help you with some questions, but you're probably best off asking directly in that thread (or make a new thread in the general discussion forum) and get the info straight from the developer.
Anyway, hope you enjoy it, and remember to do a complete wipe of MoO3 and reinstall everything from scratch (also need the 1.25 patch).