Re: Tips for LA C'tis
I think LA Ctis still operates on the basic Ctis premise: Sauromancers Carry the day.
Im by no means an expert but my experience as found that the Death Gem Cost for the Tomb King's and Priests is worth the extra power granted to you through the Tomb Wyrms and the Tomb Chariots.
WHile undead can be countered, forcing your opponent to go for the counter can be very beneficial if you can also mix them in with decent non-undead units.
Ive a hard time though with Ctis simply because their normal, national troops are subpar imho. Im still trying to work on a way to quickly get from National Troops to Summonables.
A rainbow pretender seem to be the best route to go, because as a mage-powered nation they are heavily reliant on Gem Income.