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Old January 27th, 2009, 08:45 PM

Omnirizon Omnirizon is offline
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Default Re: Tips for LA C'tis

rainbow is best i think too. or at the very least something that provides _some_ path they don't have (and they only have four, and only death is at anything more than pretty weak level)

the cheap national troops have one strong advantage, their cheap, slightly poison resistant, and good at dying.

tons of those cheapest light infantry stand up good enough to missile fire with their giant shields, soften stuff up with their javelins, and die with everyone else in the giant poison clouds (but not quite as quick since their poison resistant). use them as the front lines for your poison slingers and smite spamming priests and banefire spamming mages.

the poison slingers only do area damage. you actually don't need that many to be effective. when their all in the same 'group', the computer seems to attempt to have everyone in the group target a wide area within the enemy targeted group (suitable for large massed armies). or split them up, have one right behind your frontline firing closest, and another on the sideline aiming for the archers (more suitable for smaller armies where you can maneuver around the sides)

bring a reanimator or two with your armies. the grave consorts are actually the most efficient. after the tons of troops die, start reanimating. soulless will actually come back as C'tis specific troops when there are lots of C'tis corpses around; they are pretty good for soulless and, if they're just going to be dying holding back a frontline inside a big cloud of poison anyway, are just as good as the elitist infantry.

Stay mobile. C'tis uses lots of cheap/free troops, and looses lots of cheap/free troops. The battle plan for C'tis doesn't start at the army arrangement screen, but at the supply lines on the main map screen. this is the main reason why sacred serpents sort of suck, map move 1. also part of why you should use the unarmored version of the light infantry rather than the militia; they can stand some missile fire, and have map move 2.

LA C'tis fights wars of attrition. throw cheap/reanimated stuff at your foes backed with clouds of poison, banefire, and smite. be sure to include the reanimators with your armies. you might lose one hundred of your troops, and they might loose just 25. but in the end your loses are freespwan or 8 gold cheepy light infantry, and their loses are elite troops who die gagging in clouds of poison where all their defense and armor means nothing. Next turn you just reanimate your guys all over again and keep trucking.
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