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Old January 27th, 2009, 09:16 PM

zlefin zlefin is offline
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Default Re: Tips for LA C'tis

i did well with them in a blitz lately.
I agree there's a lack of really good bless options for the nation.
i had a high bless earth/astral, but it wasn't all that relevant, though the extra reinvig is nice.

Tomb kings can make good thugs and passable SCs, as even without a bless, they have stats of about a banelord, wihtout the equipmenet, but being blessable (as well as getting +4 mr and +4 att and ap from the undead booster spells). and you have good paths for making gear, like horror helmet/shield of gleaming gold. though you'd also need to forge some armor for them.
So you can have the kings switch from reanimating undead freebies to thugs if needed.

Sometimes you need to make Tomb Wyrms, while Tomb chariots are best most of the time, they don't have much hp or mr. Tomb wyrms have 40 hp and 16 mr, so if your opponent has heavily massed banish, you may need to use tomb wyrms some.

Sauromancer are indeed awesome, and are the backbone of the nation.

I think i'd agree that rainbow pretender would probably be best, my sphinx didn't seem quite worth it, though the reinvig was nice in long battles with skellispam, which i had a fair number of.
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