Originally Posted by Endoperez
It looks like, somehow, you confused me with Turin.
Blood/Fire: Blood Boil & Hellfire already exist
Blood in general: Blood 1 mages can all bloodhunt. That alone makes them special and good, so they don't necessarily need any combat capability. Besides, they can always summon imps.
Gifts from Heaven: I think this is Earth/Astral, not Astral/Earth.
Earth/Death: one or the other could be damage spell that only works against inanimates (if that can be done). Kind of Dust to Dust, but also works against constructs.
Sorry about the mixup. a Brainfart on my part.
Blood Thing: You're right. Still might be intresting to see more combat blood spells. I just made mutate (since it was easy)
Earth/Death: Yeah, I'll combine Fall of Muscle and Steel. Just because I have to. It appears that if you use a affect that's not in any vanilla spell (like causing "Lost an Arm" affliction, it's sort of "invisible" to the casting AI, it won't cast it even when scripted since the AI thinks that the spell doesn't do anything. So you'll have to combine a "vanilla" effect with a exotic one. Spell that causes "Weaknened" is not okay, but spell that causes Armor Destruction + "Weakened" is. I can't make a spell that targets only constucts, thought (you can only rule them out). So now I'm needing a D/E spell. Hmm.. it seems that yuo can cause "Starvation" by spell..
Originally Posted by rdonj
For the fatigue-reducing cloud, I was thinking you'd pretty much not be able to give it more than 1 point of fatigue reduction. This is what relief gives, but because of DRN rolls it can give more than that. Basically I was talking about a smaller scale relief spell, plus if you make it a cloud it can affect enemy units also. Path requirements would be something like air/nature, air/water, or water/nature. If you don't like the idea that's fine though.
That's a pretty good idea. Since troops move around the battlefield, it'll be hard to abuse. If I also make it heal troops, then AI will think of it as healing spell and target only wounded troops (Which means that it'll be hard to "cloud" your mages). The effect would quite similar to the spell "healing mists" so no N/A as path combo.
Originally Posted by VedalkenBear
S/A: Heavenly Glow, Grant a unit (square, etc.) Awe.
A/D: Styxian Storm, puts up a Storm and drops clouds that Feeblemind anyone in them (MR negates).
A/S: Wrathful Descent, Stellar Cascades + lingering cloud that does AN lightning damage.
W/N: Ink Cloud, Underwater only, Poison damage + blind
Heavenly Glow: unfortunately, you can't give awe by spell.
Styxian Storm and Wrathful Descent: I gave some thoughts on the issue of battle enchanments, see the new Design Goals.
Ink Cloud: Quite nice, I like it. I'll make the blindness resistable by def, like earthquake ("can you close your eyes in time?")
Originally Posted by Redeyes
Some ideas to fill your open slots:
A/S: Shield of the Heavens, adds twist fate & charged body in a large area.
F/E: Summon Magma Elemental, as a water elemental but 2 crush attacks + Flame Strike, some protection, fire immunity/cold vulnerability and weak fire shield but no trample.
Con- Requires new sprite
F/N: Corpus AnnihilÅ (Latin: Body to Nothing) as soul slay/bone melter but also deals fire damage in a small area.
F/S: Daystar's Blessing, adding flaming weapon, heat radiation and fire immunity effects as a self-buff. If flaming weapon doesn't work (no other spell does it), then fire shield.
E/N: Elemental Warding, as resist elements nature buff but in a small area, large with gem cost.
Shield of the Heavens: I like the idea, but "reneweable" Twist Fate (especially with large AoE!) might be problematic. I can counteract that thought, I'll give hideously abysmal range so you can' rebuff your troops in comabt.
Summon Magma Elemental: Ok idea, but I really won't have time to graphics and mod 50+ spells! If someone gives me reasonably good and dominion-fitting graphics, I can make summon spell for them and it in the mod.
Corpus Annhilo: Awesome idea! It's a shame it can't be done. You can't do spell with "if", since #nextspell always goes off. This spell would be, if check fails and dude dies, do fire damage.
Daystar's Blessing: Intresting theme. I'll ponder this..
Elemental Warding: Nice work!