Originally Posted by Burnsaber
-Does anyone the link to the MoD fix thread? The actual mod would also be useful. My forum search proved.. inefficient. I could probably make cloud spells by #copyspelling existing cloud spells, but knowing how it's really done would expand my options.
It's by Twan. The effect is
#eff 9043
and the clouds stay in the battlefield for 9 turns, so it could be that +1000 to #eff creates a cloud.
I wonder what happens if a cloud spell uses #nextspell "flame eruption"? Will the cloud explode every turn? What about a cloud followed by Falling Frost, would it center on the cloud or would the cloud "cast" it and choose a target as normal?
Possible Earth/Air spell: has three low-precision effects, each casts an area buff around itself. It's like Legions of Steel, except that it covers an uneven area, and you get more effects with higher Earth (so the affected area scales up very fast).