Originally Posted by Aezeal
from THE MANUAL!!!!!! + 4 attack and +4 AP
Oh, right. Forgot about that. Thanks for the info.
Originally Posted by Endoperez
I wonder what happens if a cloud spell uses #nextspell "flame eruption"? Will the cloud explode every turn? What about a cloud followed by Falling Frost, would it center on the cloud or would the cloud "cast" it and choose a target as normal?
I have no idea, but it's sure to be entertaining. I won't likely test that since no spell in planning has to use that kind of effects.
Originally Posted by Endoperez
Possible Earth/Air spell: has three low-precision effects, each casts an area puff around itself. It's like Legions of Steel, except that it covers an uneven area, and you get more effects with higher Earth (so the affected area scales up very fast).
Hmm.. possibly. It would take some time to write all those #nextspells. It has the sound of complexity for complexines's (is that a word?) sake.
I just noted that I'm having a bit of trouble writing the description. Just running them through a spellchecker doesn't make them well written. If someone with good skills in english grammar would like to be of assistance, it'd be sweet.
I'll be soon making the first release version. But I'll give it thread of it's own. I'll keep the spell list and non-bug-related discussion here.
I have now officially moved to the
Dom3mods forums and do not actively use this account any more. You can stll contact me by PM's, since my account gives e-mail notifications on such occasions.
If you need to ask something about modding, you can contact me
See this thread for the latest info concerning my mods.